
BBC英文早期教育睡前故事全277集 Bedtime Stories

BBC英文早期教育睡前故事全277集 Bedtime Stories

2024-01-27 21:19:31 幼教 助力梦想



BBC英文早期教育睡前故事全277集 Bedtime Stories——更多资源,课程更新在

  Cbeebies Bedtime Stories睡前故事:BBC出品的给孩子的睡前故事,由BBC的播音员主讲,播音员现场播讲和故事的绘本图案交替出现,表情生动,绘本精美,一定会给孩子耳目一新的感受。选用的有声故事内容虽然简单,但其故事发音的速度及语调,颇适合学童做英文听力练习。

  文件格式为MP4和AVI,一共277集,其中203集有外挂srt字幕。大部分视频分辨率1024*468。本片每集一个独立的小故事,高清晰,适合睡前看一集,锻炼英语听力,顺利入睡。总容量13.2GB     适合年龄:3岁以上 配音语言:英语 字幕:srt字幕 资源时间:每集4-8分钟     Cbeebies Bedtime Stories睡前故事:BBC出品的给孩子的睡前故事,由BBC的播音员主讲,播音员现场播讲和故事的绘本图案交替出现,表情生动,绘本精美,一定会给孩子耳目一新的感受。选用的有声故事内容虽然简单,但其故事发音的速度及语调,颇适合学童做英文听力练习。   文件格式为MP4和AVI,一共277集,其中203集有外挂srt字幕。本片每集一个独立的小故事,高清晰,适合睡前看一集,锻炼英语听力,顺利入睡。     ---------****字幕的使用方法--------- 电脑播放:将字幕和视频文件存在同一文件夹内,然后用kmplayer直接播放视频,就可以同步显示字幕。(百度云在线播放无法显示字幕) 建议使用kmplayer播放器,简单易懂。如果使用其他播放器,请自己研究使用方法。 电视USB接口播放:一般在电视的菜单中,设置选项可以选择显示srt字幕或者隐藏字幕,这个是否能显示与电视的功能有关,电视的兼容性店家无法判断,还需亲自己实测。 -----------------------------------------  BBC出品的给孩子的睡前故事,由BBC的播音员主讲,播音员现场播讲和故事的绘本图案交替出现,表情生动,绘本精美,一定会给孩子耳目一新的感受。每集内容都是精选而来,简短但富有寓意,在几分钟的时间里让你的宝宝再轻松的环境下入睡。 Winnies Midnight Dragon How Big Is a Million Bumposaurus Penguin Small Eat Your Peas Happy Birthday Winnie A New Home for a Pirate Click Clack Moo Cows That Type Mr Bears Holiday Pete the Sheep Bobs Best Friend Ever Mungo and the Dinosaur Island Ruby Sings the Blues The Star Faced Crocodile Small Knight and George Stuck in the Mud Giggle Giggle Quack A Visitor for Bear The Show at Rickety Barn Follow the Swallow Polly Jean Pyjama Queen Tell Me Something Happy Before I Go to Bed What Friends Do Best Whos Been Eating My Porridge If I Were You Tappity Tap - What Was That A Visitor for Bear Mr Big That Pesky Rat That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown The Bog Baby Once There Was a House The Cow That Laid an Egg The Topsy Turvies Thump Quack Moo Delilah Darling is in the Library The Best Gift of All Sidney the Little Blue Elephant The Magic Shoebox Farm When Lulu Went to the Zoo Knight Time The Blackest Hole in Space The Little Star Who Wished What Pet to Get and a Bit Emily Brown and the Thing My Amazing Dad Russell the Sheep Mr Bears Holiday Goodnight Magic Moon The Dragon Festival Trixie the Witchs Cat Minty and Tink Library Lion Super Daisy and the Peril of Planet Red Fox Evies Mad Hair Day Mr Bears Picnic Whos Been Eating My Porridge The Lamb Who Came for Dinner Emily Elephant Emergency How High is the Sky Small Mouse Big City The Christmas Bear The Fox in the Dark Diamond in the Snow Bella Gets Her Skates On The Big Dark Penguin Post Tiny Rannosaurus and Big Footasaurus Miki The Hipponotamus Nobody Laughs at a Lion My Amazing Dad Daft Bat Trumpet the Little Elephant Six Dinner Sid Guess What I Found in Dragon Wood Jungle Jive Magic Sky Anyone for Tennis Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs - The Magic Cutlass G.E.M. How Deep is the Sea The Pencil Winnies Amazing Pumpkin


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